VIDEO OF THE WEEK Meet David Murphy: The Next Generation of Scientists Dr. David Murphy (JHU) describes one of his research projects that simulates how dispersants break up oil, change the structure of the oil plume, and affect where it travels in ocean currents. [WATCH HERE] PODCAST OF THE WEEK GulfCast: Saving Science Recent polls…
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Monthly Archives: November 2018
Dispatches E-News: Happy Thanksgiving (11/21/18)
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Have a wonderful holiday. Dispatches is made possible by a generous grant from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI). Additional funding provided by the Wallace Genetic Foundation and the Farvue Foundation. Follow Dispatches from the Gulf / Journey to Planet Earth • • • Engage with Us on Social…
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Dispatches E-News: No Consensus, 8 Years & Humpbacks v. Orcas (11/14/18)
VIDEO OF THE WEEK Dispersants: The Debate Continues Immediately after the Deepwater Horizon blowout, chemical dispersants were sprayed onto surface oil slicks and directly into the wellhead. The goal was to break up as much oil as possible. At the time, little was known about the behavior of oil in the deep sea, and that…
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Dispatches E-News: Sunlight, Uta & Women (11/07/18)
VIDEO OF THE WEEK Chris Reddy: A Career Spent Studying Oil Spills Chris Reddy, senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, focuses his research on the never-ending war between nature and oil. Sunlight in particular has had surprising effects on residual Macondo oil. [WATCH HERE] PODCAST OF THE WEEK GulfCast: Marine Snow – Underwater Blizzards…
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