Journey to Planet Earth is an award-winning documentary series that is designed to help viewers understand and cope with the most important environmental issues of the 21st century.
Through an interdisciplinary approach, these programs reach beyond the physical sciences and draw connections to politics, economics, sociology, and history. A common thread runs throughout — the necessity to achieve a balance between the needs of people and the needs of the environment. It provides a powerful mosaic of how the Earth works as an interrelated system.

Dispatches from the Gulf 3
“Has the Gulf of Mexico recovered from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?” As the tenth anniversary of the disaster approaches, this question is regularly posed. Scientists have spent nearly that long studying its environmental impact on humans, wildlife, and the ecosystem. They provide assessments of the current state of the Gulf, but lingering questions are challenging their ability to predict the long-term impacts.

Dispatches from the Gulf 2
The unprecedented scientific mission to study the lasting impacts of Deepwater Horizon continues. Barely half of the pre-spill dolphin population survives, their calves dying or miscarried. Fish hearts cannot beat properly. Crab burrows leak oily rivulets into wetlands poisoning fish nurseries. Will this ecosystem recover? Will we be able to prevent future oil spills and the ensuing environmental devastation?

Dispatches from the Gulf 1
In the years after Deepwater Horizon, a global team of scientists investigates the environmental health of the Gulf and its impact on local communities. A coalition of academic institutions, government, and NGOs are working together to protect and restore one of our planet's most valuable natural resources. Their ultimate goal is to learn how to cope with future oil spills.

Extreme Realities
Investigates the link between severe weather, climate change, and threats to our national security.

Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
Provides a glimpse into an emerging economy based upon renewable resources as well as strategies to avoid the growing threat of climate change.

The State of the Planet's Oceans
Studies the health and sustainability of the world's oceans.

The State of the Ocean's Animals
Takes a comprehensive look at why nearly half the world's marine animals may face extinction over the next twenty-five years.

The State of the Planet's Wildlife
Explores what scientists are calling the “sixth great extinction” of our world's plants and animals.

State of the Planet
Probes at how population, climate change, and economic pressures affect the world's resources such as food and water.

Future Conditional
Looks at the spread of air and water pollution and how contamination in one area can affect people and animals living thousands of miles away.

Hot Zones
Examines how recent trends in globalization and the altering of ecosystems have led to dramatic increases in the spread of infectious diseases.

Seas of Grass
Shows the devastating environmental, political, and economic effects of the degradation of the world's grasslands, which make up 30 percent of Earth's land surface.

On the Brink
Considers how environmental pressures can lead to terrorism and regional conflict.

Land of Plenty, Land of Want
Weighs how farmers can feed Earth's growing population without impoverishing the land.

The Urban Explosion
Analyzes ways to sustain burgeoning urban populations without destroying the environment.

Rivers of Destiny
Delves into the problems associated with the tampering of the natural environment of rivers.